The Problem

There is a need with modern diesel vehicles to filter the gasses from the crankcase. This prevents the build-up of damaging carbon and oily deposits.
The components worst affected by this are:

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This leads to the following negative effects:
• Failure of critical components such as engine vales and turbochargers
• Increase fuel consumption
• Compromised engine performance
• Increased emissions

This problem is compounded on late model vehicles with the use of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). The oil and contaminants from the by-pass gases bond with the carbon and soot from the recirculated exhaust gas. Blocking off the exhaust gas recirculation does not solve the issue, as the oily residue is still being pumped through the engine – even if the carbon and soot are not.

The images below show just how bad this build-up can get. It should be a spotless cast aluminium intake manifold. Instead it is coated with 6-12mm of oily carbon crud all over the insides.

The Solution

Asgard Engineering has developed bolt on filtration kits for many vehicles using the MANN+HUMMEL ProVent® range.

  • These kits utilize an oil/air separator element to remove the oil from the blow-by gases.
  • The separated engine oil is then captured and removed. This prevents both air intake contamination and oil system contamination.
  • The clean blow by gases are then returned to the vehicle’s intake system, free from oil and carbon.
  • EGR Gases now have nothing to bond with, and pass through the system without issue.

The images below show an Asgard Engineering kit fitted to a Toyota Land Cruiser 70 series V8 diesel.

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